Thursday 7 January 2010

First blog entry of the decade

Since the new year things haven't been too bad actually. I've been feeling quite happy actually. I've started using my wii fit again! Which I know won't make me lose lots of pounds but it's a start i guess. So yeah. Progress on my new year goals:

-Get fit hair again.
Done! (see left) Now, to maintain it.

-Lose weight. Get to a U.K size 10
Well this one will take a while. I just need to eat just a bit more fruit + do more exercise. I really feel like I'm not doing enough. But it's early days and to be honest it's not like i'm eating chocolate or anything. In fact as i write this i feel peckish to time for raisins :D

- Go see my Dad and his side of the family more.
Well I haven't seen my Dad yet this year. Tomorrow i'll phone him and may go and stay at his this weekend :3

-Get onto the I.B course
This one will take a while.

-Quit smoking. For good
I haven't smoked yet this year :3

-Read more
This one is going well. I'm currently reading The Girls by Lori Lansens

-Find something to do between now and September.
This could be done very very very very very soon. I have a college interview next Wednesday :)

So yeah that's my goals and the progress on them so far. Also I've started playing Pokemon Silver recently on my sister's old Game Boy Color. I really want a Nintendo DS now so I can play more games. Well, I can always save for one I suppose.

Bad news: I dropped my phone down the toilet yesterday. I dislike this.

Thursday 31 December 2009

Intellectual thoughts or just a rant?

I've had a few things over the past few days that have actually made me think about things, quite a few things actually. They may seem odd but at the time they seemed significant so here goes :)

Ann Summers

Some would think it odd that I find the need to rant about Ann Summers. Well this isn't directed at Ann Summers as a whole but at one experience i had. My friend and I were browsing in Ann Summers and went to look at some sex toys, just for fun. We picked a few up just to look at them when we were asked if we were over 18. As we were only both 17 we were asked to leave that section of the shop. What I don't understand is, why? I mean the legal age of consent of in the U.K is 16, so why are we unable to look at vibrators. Surely, it makes more sense for us to do that. I mean when you use a vibrator you're not going to get pregnant or get an STI are you? How as a nation can we try and promote safe sexual activity when we won't allow people who are above the age of consent to
look at vibrators. I know people can have safe sex no matter what their age but what I wish to stress is why are people who are of the legal age of consent unable to look at a sex toy. I myself have no interest in them, but i know full well people who do. Some may think what I'm saying is silly but GAH!!!

Reveal Magazine

I was in Sainsbury's this afternoon when I saw a magazine cover that caught my eye. On it was the following photograph (left) which made a woman want to lose weight. My thought again was as to why? Personally I don't think she needs to at all, I don't think she is fat. I feel that she actually has a healthy, average figure. Some may call me a hypocrite as I myself want to lose weight BUT I'm not going on a diet, I want to be healthier and have a good BMI (my current BMI is 27.something). No one should ever ever lose weight because they think they're fat. This woman is definitely not. What message is this portraying to many people? It really does anger me that people who are perfectly fine feel the need to lose weight.

Monday 28 December 2009

Well, it's a bit hard to party like it's '09 when you can't stop coughing D:

It's awful :( So apart from being away from my boy and not having much to do lately I get struck down by a cold. GAH D: I'm meant to be going shopping tomorrow and I'm afraid train passengers and people out shopping in Birmingham won't really appreciate me dying on them :(

On the bright side, new hair soon :)

Sunday 27 December 2009

I miss my boy >.<

GAH! It's only 5 days since I last saw him yet it feels like forever. The fact he's so far away makes it even worse tbh "/ He's in Liverpool until after new year :( Seriously I feel torn apart without him. TBH i wouldn't feel so bad if I had more to do, something to take my mind off everything.
I want new year now :)

Friday 25 December 2009

So, it's Christmas

Yet I feel so lonely. I'm surrounded by family. The one person I want to see is ten miles away and will soon be even further away as he's going to Liverpool for a week "/ So I won't see him until new year and already it's killing being apart from him :(
I haven't got my presents from my family this year, just money really. I mean sure, after Christmas shopping is uber fun but still opening presents is half the excitement :D I suppose I could have saved Owen's presents until today but I wanted him to see how much I'd love them :)
Later I'll be going to my Dad's and getting a few more things. (Y) I went to see my Dad yesterday and realised that I really need to see him more :)

To everyone have a very very Merry Christmas :D

Sunday 20 December 2009

Farmville - more like repetitive clicking when you're bored.

Currently I'm sat here extreemly bored. Hence why I'm playing Farmville. Hence why I'm writing a blog entry about it :|
It's odd how so many people are actually addicted to playing this game. Through my on/off phases I've managed to get to level 35. A bit sad eh?
What gets me the most is that fully grown adults seem to be addicted to this game more than younger people....
In fact on Facebook people have set up causes for things such as getting more fuel etc. It's not really a cause.
Anyway here I am doing something to entertain myself when in reality all I'm doing is clicking repetitively. Not so entertaining eh?

Saturday 19 December 2009

I don't know if anyone will ever bother reading anything I post on this blog. But then again I only set it up last night so tbh i can't expect a billion followers already.
This morning I've done a lot more than I usually would on a Saturday. Wrapped all my Christmas presents, had a shower + got dressed, had breakfast, washed up, dried up, put clothes in the washing machine and more clothes in the tumble dryer.
And now it's quarter to 11 and I don't have an awful lot to do.
I would go out but town will be cold and there's no where you can hang around indoors in Rugby without being kicked out, even if you do actually have a legitimate reason to be wherever you are. I could go visit my Dad I suppose but I dunno. He'll probably be asleep or have work later so I don't know "/ I really should go see him more I mean he lives like a 25 min walk away/5 min drive away. So I don't have an excuse for not seeing him. Some kids would give anything to see their Dad or having him living so close yet I can't be bothered to walk to go see him. I'm a bit of an awful child....
I need to go to Boots with my Mum. I would walk but it is FREEZING outside beyond belief. So when she gets home from Leamington I'll ask her if she can give me a lift. I wanna get one more present for my boy. I don't feel I've got him enough. Luckily I know he won't read this because he's in Liverpool this weekend :( with no internet ;D
So yeah. Also I've decided I need to social network more xD I need to get twitter to upload a damn picture of me. Wanna follow me? :)
I also wanna go on MySpace more. (Y) Add me please :)
So yeah. Ramble over for this morning. I'll most likely have another pointless ramble tonight too (Y)